The First Caliph - Abu Bakr As Siddeeq by Abu Huthayfa

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By Abu Huthayfa, Illustrated by Abu Zahir, Dakwah Corner Publications, paperback, 111 pages

The story of the First Caliph, Abu Bakr As-Siddeq (RA)

Abu Bakr (RA) was a couple of years younger than the Prophet (pbuh) and was one of the first to become a Muslim. As soon as Muhammad (pbuh) told Abu Bakr (RA) responded, “You have spoken the truth.”

He never doubted the Prophets saw once. He knew that Muhammad (pbuh) was an honest person who never lied and for that reason, he was called As-Siddiq (The Truthful One).

Written for older kids. 

The First Caliph - Abu Bakr As Siddeeq by Abu Huthayfa
The First Caliph - Abu Bakr As Siddeeq by Abu Huthayfa