In-store location: Shelf 7.5
By Abu Huthayfa, Illustrated by Abu Zahir, Dakwah Corner Publications, Paperback, 111 pages
The story of the fourth Caliph, Ali (RA).
One day the Prophet (PBUH) addressed his companions, “Tomorrow, I shall give the flag to one who will conquer the fort (Khaybar) and who has pleased Allah (SWT) and His Messenger.” That night the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) wondered who that special person would be who would lead them to victory. The next day, the Prophet (PBUH) asked his companions, ” Where is Ali?….bring him to me.” The Prophet (PBUH) then gave Ali (RA) the flag.
This is the fourth book of Abu Huthayfa’s ‘The Four Greatest Caliphs’ series.
Suitable for children and teenagers.
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