In-store location: Shelf 3.15
By Muhammad Abd Al-Rahman Al-Areefi, Darussalam, Hardcover, 600 pages
A Description of the Signs of The Hour, Barzakh and The Hereafter from the Quran & Sunnah.
This book covers everything from the spectacles of death, issues of the grave, signs of the hour, blowing of the trumpet, the resurrection, the day of judgment, ending with the description of hell and paradise. All topics are presented with proofs from the Qur'an & Sunnah, in an easy-to-understand manner, especially for the younger generation.
About the author:
Muhammad bin Abdul-Rahman al-Areefi is a Muslim author and Da’ee. He is a graduate of King Saud University, and member of the Muslim World League and the Association of Muslim Scholars.