By Ambelin Kwaymullina, Magabala Books, Paperback, 64 pages
This book speaks to many First Nations' truths — stolen lands, sovereignties, time, decolonisation, First Nations perspectives, systemic bias and other constructs that inform our present discussions and ever-expanding understanding.
This book offers a prose-styled look at our colonial-settler 'present'. It is the first of its kind to address and educate a broad audience about the colonial contextual history of Australia, in a highly original way. It pulls apart the myths at the heart of our nationhood, and challenges Australia to come to terms with its own past and its place within and on 'Indigenous Countries'.
About the author:
Ambelin Kwaymullina is an Aboriginal writer, illustrator and law academic. She comes from the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Ambelin works across a range of storytelling forms including non-fiction, young adult novels and children’s picture books.
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