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By Osman Umarji, Illustrated by Sama Wareh, Prolance, Paperback, 134 pages
The hoopoe lives in the blessed land of Sham. He is a soldier in the miraculous army of Prophet Sulaiman. It seems like just another day on patrol as he flies over the distant land of Saba...until he witnesses something peculiar that will change his life forever. Will a great war break out between two powerful civilizations or will peace prevail? Join the hoopoe as he narrates the miraculous events that take place during Prophet Sulaiman's life. Welcome to the Chronicles of Bani Israil, where the battle for truth and justice never ends.
Table of Contents:
Prologue 7
A Father's Legacy 9
The King of Palestine 14
Masjid Al-Aqsa 24
Miraculous Superpowers 29
The Jinn 35
Babylon 37
Shackles and Servitude 44
Equine Love 48
An Enchanted Army 51
Spy Mission 56
The Power of Language 61
A Letter to Saba 73
Not for Sale 83
Diplomacy 89
Wisdom in Judgment 93
Test of Thrones 101
The Queen's Decision 107
One Last Matter 117
Author's Note 130
About the Author 133
About the Author:
Dr. Osman Umarji is a scholar of Islam and educational psychology. He studied at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, and received his Ph.D. in Education from the University of California, Irvine. He is currently the Director of Survey Research and Evaluation at the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. He loves being out in nature amongst the trees, mountains, and birds with his wife and children in Southern California. USA
Sama Wareh
To say that I devote my entire time to art would not be a lie. I believe that you can live life as a form of art. How you communicate with people and how you establish a connection with our natural world is a form of art. From these experiences, I build a library of lines, colors, values, spaces, and textures that I internalize, thus externalizing my next art piece. From looking at my art pieces, it's not difficult to see concepts that I love, including Calligraphy, the Environment, Mythology, Native American Culture, Bedouins, and social justice. Like M.C. Escher who profoundly discovered his tessellation awakening when he went and saw the Great Mosques of Spain, my awakenings have been not only from adventures in Syria, Turkey, South America, and Alaska but cultivated from the profound experiences of growing up here in America from a Muslim-American family. Sama Wareh has a Masters of Science degree in Environmental Studies from California State University Fullerton and her undergraduate Degree in Filmmaking and Art. She has been selling art internationally since 2005, doing henna for over 15 years, and has been in the Environmental Education field since 2006. During her 12 years in the environmental education field, Sama has led hundreds of hikes, designed curriculum for hands-on environmental education programs, and has taught Art, Social Science, and Physical Science to adults, scouts, students, teachers, and the general public. She has been invited as a keynote speaker, guest lecturer and workshop presenter at many universities, churches, and institutes, with her main focus on conservation, water issues, and seeing nature through art. She lives in Orange County, California where she spends much of her time getting the community to know California's beautiful landscape. Sama is the author of How to Draw 60 Native California Plants and Animals: A Field Guide and was awarded OC REGISTER's OCMETRO 40 under 40 award in 2013 for her humanitarian work. Sama Wareh is a certified Wilderness First Responder.
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