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By Muhammad bin Mustafa al-Jibaly, Al-Kitaab & As-Sunnah Publishing, Hardback, 245 pages
This book covers the Islamic regulations relating to a newborn. This includes welcoming the baby, naming it, shaving its hair, circumcising it, and slaughtering the sacrificial 'aqiqah.
This is one of a 4-book series covering various aspects of marriage according to the authentic Sunnah. Marriage plays a most central role in human life and has been largely discussed by the scholars of Islam through the ages, resulting in numerous writings and treatises.
About the author:
Muhammad Al-Jibaly acquired a sound knowledge of al-Albanis fiqh and methodology. He has authored many original books and articles in various areas of fiqh, `aqidah, manhaj, da`wah, etc and has lectured at many conferences and seminars, in North America and around the world.