Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in the Digital Era

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By Dr Javed Aktar, Darussalam, paperback

Today Muslim youth are passing through difficult times. However, the main issue relates to them is the crisis of identity. This book was written as an answer to the crisis of Muslim youth. It offers parents practical steps on child rearing, aiming to help them produce a new generation of Muslims who excel in Deen, Dunya and Akhirah, as this alone is true success. As the reader browses the pages of this book, they will note that the worldly success and religious development of their children are not diametreically conflicting, but rather go hand in hand. To produce a successful child is to produce a child that succeeds in all aspects of life, and this book seeks to help parents do exactly that.


Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in the Digital Era
Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in the Digital Era
Parenting and Nurturing Muslim Children in the Digital Era