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By Noha Alshugairi and Munira Lekovic Ezzeldine, Foreword by Dr Jane Nelson, Izza Pub., paperback, 440 pages
Authors Noha Alshugairi and Munira Lekovic Ezzeldine share timeless principles, describe 49 effective parenting tools, and guide readers through various parenting challenges. Their experience spans all stages of development from birth to adulthood. They masterfully transform theoretical Islamic principles into living realities
The Islamic tradition is rich with values that parents strive to imbue in their children: respect, responsibility, integrity, love and more. Parenting is all too often filled with sleepless nights, tears, and anxiety followed by endless doubts: "Did I do my best?", "What could I have done differently?" and "Am I responsible?"
Positive Discipline, a philosophy conceptualized by Dr Jane Nelsen, provides a powerful model for channeling parenting struggles into proven methods that yield results. Positive Parenting in the Muslim Home addresses the real challenges faced by real families. This comprehensive book is essential for parents, caregivers, and educators seeking to nurture a grounded parent-child relationship built on connection. It is a book about home. It invites the reader to approach parenting in Islam as a process of love and guidance, apply Positive Discipline tools to nurture Islamic values in matters of faith, relationships, and everyday life, empower children to be responsible, capable and proactive individuals, address sensitive issues constructively, including sex, drugs, bullying, and youth radicalization and resolve conflicts by focusing on solutions rather than punishments.
About the authors:
Munira Lekovic Ezzeldine is a professional counsellor and award-winning author of the book, Positive Parenting in the Muslim Home and Before the Wedding: Questions for Muslims to Ask Before Getting Married. She lives in California with her husband and three children.
Noha Alshugairi is a licensed Marriage & Family therapist and certified Positive Discipline trainer focused on the Muslim community and based in Orange County, California. Noha is keenly interested in helping the American Muslim family integrate faith and culture in the U.S. She was the first to teach Islamic parenting through the lens of Positive Discipline.