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By Alaa Elsayed, Tertib Pubishing, Paperback, 110 pages
In this life, there are some people you want to follow and there are some people you want to stay away from. the scholars say, "There are among the people, they know that they are knowledgeable and they know that they know; so follow him..”
This book by Alaa Elsayed explores the following themes:
About the author:
Sheikh Alaa Elsayed was born in Cairo, lived in Egypt until he was 15 years old, and moved to Toronto, Canada in the late 1970’s. Sheikh Alaa studied for his Bachelors in Shariah from the American International University and earned a scholarship from the Shari'ah Academy/Mishkah University in Florida. Sheikh Alaa has also received his ijazah of Quran recitation for Hafs an Asim and studied comparative religion for five years through the IPCI in South Africa.