In-store location: Shelf 4.1 and 4.3
By Ibn al-Jawzi, Dar as Sunnah, paperback, 64 pages
This fourth masterpiece in the series expounds on the five stages of life: the first stage of encouraging and disciplining; the second stage of youthfulness, protecting the self and struggling against desires; the third of maturity; the fourth stage of old age; the fifth stage of decrepitude.
The onset of these periods may vary slightly from person to person. Nonetheless, these five stages are true.
There are those who submit to Allah's order and achieve success. Others are wasteful of time and thereby lose and regret. Whoever lives his life in accordance with Allah's commands will be rewarded handsomely with multiplied profits beyond imagination. The corrupt one who acts contrarily to Divine Pleasure will be destroyed.
About the author:
Ibn al-Jawzi became an outstanding scholar of the twelfth century especially in the Hadith sciences for which he was titled "Al-Hafidh". He also was noted for his scholarship in the fields of history, linguistics, tafsir and fiqh. In fact, he became the leading scholar of the Hanbali Madhhab of his time and played an important role in reviving and spreading it, especially after the become a favorite of the Abassid Caliph, Al-Mustadi (1142-1180CE).