In-store location: Shelf 2.6 and 3.17
By Yahya Ibrahim, Tertib Publishing, Paperback, 143 pages
Prophetic Protections is a portion of the series of duʿaʾ, or invocations, that have been taught by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w., and collected through authentic aḥadith and Qurʾanic verses. These duʿaʾ have been specially prescribed by our Prophet s.a.w. in relation to events in the past which can be practised to this day to gain daily protections from Allah s.w.t.
Comes with a pocket-sized duʿaʾ book that you can bring anywhere with you!
About the author:
Imam Yahya Ibrahim is Head of Islamic Studies and Assistant Principal at Langford Islamic College, Islamic Chaplain at Curtin University and the University of Western Australia and lecturer for the internationally acclaimed AlMaghrib Institute. On account of his numerous contributions to Western Australia, Imam Yahya was awarded the Individual Excellence Award in Community Service by the West Australian Government.