Critical Muslim 07: Muslim Archipelago - by Muslim Institute

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By Muslim Institute, Edited by Ziauddin Sardar, Hurst Publishers, Paperback, 256 pages

Critical Muslim is a thematic quarterly publication showcasing ground-breaking thinking on Islam, and what it means to be a Muslim in a rapidly changing, interconnected world.

Malaysia and Indonesia are seen as bastions of liberal Islam. Is this really true or simply a widely held misconception about south-east Asian Muslims? What is the contribution of the Muslim archipelago to the world of Islam? What can we learn from Malaysian and Indonesian experiments in democracy?

This issue of Critical Muslim addresses these questions by examining the politics, history, culture and religious traditions of Malaysia and Indonesia.

About the editor:

Ziauddin Sardar is an internationally renowned writer, futurist and cultural critic. A former New Statesman columnist and Equality and Human Rights Commissioner, he has authored many books, including Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical MuslimReading the Qur'an; and Mecca: The Sacred City.

Critical Muslim 07: Muslim Archipelago - by Muslim Institute
Critical Muslim 07: Muslim Archipelago - by Muslim Institute
Critical Muslim 07: Muslim Archipelago - by Muslim Institute
Critical Muslim 07: Muslim Archipelago - by Muslim Institute