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By Abu Huthayfa, Illustrated by Abu Zahir, Dakwah Corner Publications, paperback, 99 pages
The story of the Third Caliph, Uthman Dhun Noorain (RA)
To the North of Arabia in an area called Tabook, the Muslim army was preparing to challenge the Romans. The Prophet saw asked, "Who will equip them and Allah (SWT) will forgive him?''
The man to equip the Muslim army was Uthman (RA). he gave enough camels and horses to equip one-third of the army. He also gave a large sack of gold coins in his hand and said, "No deed can harm Uthman (RA) after today.' Uthman (RA) was the only Companion who married two daughters of the Prophet saw. Because of the, he was given the title Dhun-Noorain (The Possessor of Two Lights)
For older kids.
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